What do you prefer: to sleep really close to your lover, or on opposite sides of the bed? Do you spoon or lay back to back? What does your partner want? Did you know that all of these sleeping positions mean something?
What do you prefer: to sleep really close to your lover, or on opposite sides of the bed? Do you spoon or lay back to back? What does your partner want? Did you know that all of these sleeping positions mean something?
#A - The Spoon
According to a study done , the position is only adopted by a fifth of couples and demonstrates a dynamic in which, “ One partner takes a protective stance over the other.”
#B - The Tangle
it’s most common in new relationships when the couple are still in the throes of passion.
Face to face, body to body, it’s incredibly intimate and suggests not just a deep physical attraction but also trust in one another.
#C - The Loose Spoon
The loose spoon is typically what a couples that are a fans of spooning eventually do once their relationship matures and each individual wants to revert to a position that produces the best quality sleep.
#D - The Leg Hug
The Leg Hug is a little unclear, as it can indicate a number of things. If only one person is doing the “hugging,” it could signal that he or she is craving a connection with the other (kind of like the Chasing Spoon). And since your legs are first to react in a fight-or-flight situation, they’re often the most honest part of the body.
If you're both intertwined, you're equally passionate, and the emotional and sexual connection is strong. Just like your legs, your lives are blended and balanced.
A third interpretation of the Leg Hug is that since the contact is so casual, it could imply you're ambivalent about expressing affection, or just had a fight but are trying to maintain a connection, despite heated emotions.
#E - The Space Hog
If a partner takes the “starfish position,” one in which they sprawl out and hog the bed, this means that they tend to be selfish — especially if they begin to push the other partner so they’re hanging off the bed. If this is happening in your relationship, it’s time to have an honest conversation.
#F - The nuzzle
The ultimate sign of trust and protection, the Nuzzle is common in new and rekindled relationships. When one partner sleeps with his or her head on the other's chest, it creates a nurturing, open position and a sense of companionship as you snuggle.
Sleeping on your back indicates confidence and self-assurance, and sends the message that you're using your power to protect your partner.
#G - The Liberty Lovers
If you and your partner sleep facing opposite directions with space in-between - don’t fret! This is actually a good thing.
According to a study , couples that sleep back-to-back without touching are “connected and secure in themselves. This position shows both closeness and independence in the relationship.”
It’s also popular, 27 percent of couples prefer this sleeping style.
#H - The Back Kisser
The Back Kissers fall asleep back-to-back, with contact along the spine. You're connected, but independent enough to appreciate your own space in bed. Because your butts still touch, you want to stay sexually connected despite your confidence to face in opposite directions.
Chances are you're a new couple who doesn't yet have a reason for distrust OR have been together for a while, and are relaxed and comfortable with one another.