#1 These 15 Foods that kill Belly Fat Fast!
1. Avocados: Contains two nutrients that are KEY to killing belly fat: hunger-crushing fibre (11 - 17g per avocado)
and monounsaturated fats, which studies have shown to actually "spot reduce" belly fat.
2. Peanut Butter: not just peanut butter, but mostly any seeds and nuts: postachios, walnuts, almonds,pumpkin seeds, sunflower seeds, and flax seeds. Why? They keep you full and satisfied for long periods of time and they are full of healthy fats and minerals
3. Healthy Oils: extra virgin olive oil and coconut oil actually help burn fat by supplying healthy oils your body needs to burn stubborn body fat.
4. These veggies: Broccoli, cauliflower, brussel sprouts, kale and cabbage contain special phytonutrients (fight-o-nutrients), such as indole-3-carbinol (I3C), which help to fight against environmental estrogens that can add belly fat.
5. Omelets: Eggs are nutrient dense and loaded with belly-burning protein, vitamins B6, B12, A, D, E and K, folate, choline, lutein, calcium, iron, phosphorus, zinc and omega3 fatty acids. Plus, they will keep you full for long periods of time. Choose eggs from free-range chickens for more healthy nutrients.
2. Peanut Butter: not just peanut butter, but mostly any seeds and nuts: postachios, walnuts, almonds,pumpkin seeds, sunflower seeds, and flax seeds. Why? They keep you full and satisfied for long periods of time and they are full of healthy fats and minerals
3. Healthy Oils: extra virgin olive oil and coconut oil actually help burn fat by supplying healthy oils your body needs to burn stubborn body fat.
4. These veggies: Broccoli, cauliflower, brussel sprouts, kale and cabbage contain special phytonutrients (fight-o-nutrients), such as indole-3-carbinol (I3C), which help to fight against environmental estrogens that can add belly fat.
5. Omelets: Eggs are nutrient dense and loaded with belly-burning protein, vitamins B6, B12, A, D, E and K, folate, choline, lutein, calcium, iron, phosphorus, zinc and omega3 fatty acids. Plus, they will keep you full for long periods of time. Choose eggs from free-range chickens for more healthy nutrients.
6. Dark Choclate: It is loaded with anti-oxidants (nearly 8 times that found in strawberries) and contains stimulants that can have a positive effect on fat burning. Make sure to choose 80% or higher cocoa content for best results
7. Oatmeal/Porridge: packed with fibre and whole-grain goodness, you can't go wrong, Just stay away the processed, high-sugar junk out there and stick to slow cook oats. Add berries, walnuts cinnamon to taste.
8. Green Tea: Contains potent antioxidants and has been linked to increased fat burning, including a report in the American Journal of Clinical Nutrition that found green tea extract boosted the daytime metabolism of test subjects by 35-43%
9. Beans: Black Beans, navy beans and lima beans all have 6 or more grams of fibre per 1/2 cup. Fibre can clean your system of pounds of "toxic" waste.
10. Berries: strawberries, rasberries and blackberries are loaded wth fibre (which slows sugar absorption) and are packed with vitamins that can fight cravings. (cravings can come from vitamin deficiencies)
7. Oatmeal/Porridge: packed with fibre and whole-grain goodness, you can't go wrong, Just stay away the processed, high-sugar junk out there and stick to slow cook oats. Add berries, walnuts cinnamon to taste.
8. Green Tea: Contains potent antioxidants and has been linked to increased fat burning, including a report in the American Journal of Clinical Nutrition that found green tea extract boosted the daytime metabolism of test subjects by 35-43%
9. Beans: Black Beans, navy beans and lima beans all have 6 or more grams of fibre per 1/2 cup. Fibre can clean your system of pounds of "toxic" waste.
10. Berries: strawberries, rasberries and blackberries are loaded wth fibre (which slows sugar absorption) and are packed with vitamins that can fight cravings. (cravings can come from vitamin deficiencies)
11. Cinnamon: Researchers have found that cinnamon contains a type of antioxidant that increases insulin sensitivity and effectively helps to stabilize blood sugar. Basically...you'll store less belly fat.
12. Chili Peppers: Studies have shown that the active ingredient in chili peppers and powder, something called capsaicin, increases calorie-burning, stabilizes blood sugar levels and is a potent antioxidant.
13. Yogurt: Most regular yougurt is bad for your belly. Its loaded with belly-bulging sugar (real or artificial). However, Greek yogurts (plain) are loaded with probiotics that fight that belly bulge.
14. Wild Salmon: One of the best belly-blasting foods because of its protein and high omega-3 fatty acid content. Many people are deficient in omega-3s and when they add them to their diet the fat can really start coming off
15. Meat: Turkey meat ( white preferrably) or any lean protein source is a good belly blasting food. This includes the wild, salmon, free-range chicken, whey protein powders, and especially grass-fed beef because it contains natural CLA - a fat that studies have actually shown to burn fat. The interesting thing about protein is your body will burn off as much as 30% of its calories after you eat it.
It's important to establish your daily caloric needs, create a calorie deficit, and eat real, whole foods. Here's an example:
Bob burns 2,000 calories per day. Bob consumes 1,700 calories a day. Bob will lose weight. It's that simple.
And while eating whole foods on a daily calorie deficit you apply maximal fat burning potential. Lean meat gives you the protein, positive cholesterol (LGL), and healthy fats your body will need. Whole grains will slow digestion, provide fiber and slow-digesting carbs, and in turn, help you to have a feeling of satiety for a longer period. Vegetables will give you the fiber, vitamins, and minerals needed, and cruciferous vegetables are low in net carbs. Your body burns calories when digesting food, and calories from vegetables such as celery are insignificant due to your body burning as many calories whilst digesting as was ingested initially.
12. Chili Peppers: Studies have shown that the active ingredient in chili peppers and powder, something called capsaicin, increases calorie-burning, stabilizes blood sugar levels and is a potent antioxidant.
13. Yogurt: Most regular yougurt is bad for your belly. Its loaded with belly-bulging sugar (real or artificial). However, Greek yogurts (plain) are loaded with probiotics that fight that belly bulge.
14. Wild Salmon: One of the best belly-blasting foods because of its protein and high omega-3 fatty acid content. Many people are deficient in omega-3s and when they add them to their diet the fat can really start coming off
15. Meat: Turkey meat ( white preferrably) or any lean protein source is a good belly blasting food. This includes the wild, salmon, free-range chicken, whey protein powders, and especially grass-fed beef because it contains natural CLA - a fat that studies have actually shown to burn fat. The interesting thing about protein is your body will burn off as much as 30% of its calories after you eat it.
It's important to establish your daily caloric needs, create a calorie deficit, and eat real, whole foods. Here's an example:
Bob burns 2,000 calories per day. Bob consumes 1,700 calories a day. Bob will lose weight. It's that simple.
And while eating whole foods on a daily calorie deficit you apply maximal fat burning potential. Lean meat gives you the protein, positive cholesterol (LGL), and healthy fats your body will need. Whole grains will slow digestion, provide fiber and slow-digesting carbs, and in turn, help you to have a feeling of satiety for a longer period. Vegetables will give you the fiber, vitamins, and minerals needed, and cruciferous vegetables are low in net carbs. Your body burns calories when digesting food, and calories from vegetables such as celery are insignificant due to your body burning as many calories whilst digesting as was ingested initially.
#2 Strength Training
Another key strategy to implement into your weight loss program is strength training, also known as weight lifting. The implementation of strength training is beneficial for a plethora of reasons. Lifting weights burns calories, and while on a calorie deficit, it creates weight loss at a more rapid clip. Another often-overlooked benefit is that with increased muscle mass comes the increased need to fuel the newly acquired muscle, creating an even larger calorie deficit, not to mention, it turns on the fat melting furnace. One other key benefit of strength training is, contrary to popular belief, the improvement of our skeletal system. Muscles get bigger and stronger when they lift more weight. The same can be said about our bones, which strengthen and thicken. It also forces our joints to become more adept at self-lubrication, which will assuage joint pain and stiffness.
#3 A Healthy Heart is a Happy Heart
Last, but not least, is the implementation of a functional and maintainable cardiovascular plan. At a minimum, 30 minutes a day, 3 times a week, we should be working our hearts. It doesn't have to be high intensity or high impact because we're older now and our bodies may or may not hold up as well as they used to. Walking, jogging if you're able to without experiencing pain, and a myriad of other options exist to strengthen our hearts. Cardiovascular health is pertinent, more so as we get older and wiser.
Our bodies have a few miles on them now and we may have to approach this at a different angle, but weight loss is not only feasible, it's achievable. We have two options at this point: We can allow ourselves to become discouraged and/ or overwhelmed, or we can choose to age with grace, similar to a fine wine. "Though the road has been long, and the burden of travel has taken its toll, fret not, for our desire is worthwhile and our destination is just around the bend."
Our bodies have a few miles on them now and we may have to approach this at a different angle, but weight loss is not only feasible, it's achievable. We have two options at this point: We can allow ourselves to become discouraged and/ or overwhelmed, or we can choose to age with grace, similar to a fine wine. "Though the road has been long, and the burden of travel has taken its toll, fret not, for our desire is worthwhile and our destination is just around the bend."