Many celebrities, ranging from Kim Kardashian to Jennifer Lopez, are known for their well-trained glutes, and it's time to discover their secrets! Before saying that a well-carved hindquarters is something that only stars can afford, think twice. There are some simple exercises that you can do as soon as you have a little time, and that will help you get the buttocks of your dreams.
#1. Leg lifting with elastic
- Put an elastic around your legs, calf or ankles, spreading your feet to the width of the hips.
- Keep your knees locked.
- Raise the right leg, keeping it straight and contracted.
- Return to initial position.
- Repeat the leg lift with the left.
- Perform 20 total repetitions while you alternate sides. If it's too easy for you, try squatting between each leg lift.
#2. Lift and balance of the corresponding leg and arm
- Starts in four-legged position, with hands under the shoulders.
- Stretch and stretch your left leg.
- Open the shoulders and extend the corresponding arm. If it's too difficult for you at first, extend the opposite arm.
- Keeping your leg elevated, swing back and forth on your knee, resting on the foot on the ground. Try to amplify the scope of the movement.
- Repeats with the right leg and the corresponding arm.
- If this training seems too easy, you can do it with ankle weights.
#3. The board with kick
- Get into a plank position.
- Raise your right leg off the ground.
- Keep the sole in the air, as if looking at the ceiling.
- Bring her as far back as possible.
- Repeat this exercise 30 to 40 times while changing your leg.
#4. The knee-type survey while riding on a block
- Stand in front of a block (it can be a box, a bench or other).
- Put your left foot on it.
- Lean on your foot and pull on your left leg, bending your right knee and raising it as high as you can.
- Reverse the movement to go down the block.
- Repeat the exercise by working your right leg. Do 10 to 20 repetitions per leg.
#5. Elastic slits
- Straighten the body and keep the shoulders backwards.
- Advance one leg and lower the hips, bending the knee at a 90-degree angle. Make sure the front knee is directly over the ankle.
- Keep the weight on your heels and return to their original position. Repeat with the other leg.
- Perform 20 repetitions.
- When it becomes too simple, crack while walking. Instead of returning to a stationary position, do the exercise as if you were walking. You can also try to lift weights.
#6. "Surfboard" type squats
- Put your feet as if you were on a surfboard while contracting the abdominals.
- Crouch down, keeping your knees behind the level of the toes.
- Jump and turn, landing on the opposite side.
- Repeat the exercise for a minute.
#7. Leg extension backwards
- Stand up straight with your feet under your hips.
- Fold the body at a 90-degree angle, keeping the arms stretched.
- Stretch the right leg, raising it to the level of the hip.
- Lower the right leg to the ground.
- Repeat 10 times. Then do 10 more repetitions with the left leg.
#8. Slots with weights
- Take control of the weight you have chosen.
- Stand upright with your feet shoulder-width apart.
- Take a step back with your right leg, lift the ball over your head and walk to the side of the left leg.
- Return to the original position again.
- Repeat 15 to 20 times with each leg.