Aside from the random element of luck, much of what makes some people successful involves the cultivating of certain habits. Learning what these habits are and how to employ them in your own life is worthwhile.
Aside from the random element of luck, much of what makes some people successful involves the cultivating of certain habits. Learning what these habits are and how to employ them in your own life is worthwhile.
To that end, here are 10 of the most often-cited habits of successful people.
# Write it down.
One of the top secrets for accumulating money is to make a plan and stick to it. It’s easier said than done, but writing down your goals can help to cement them in your mind and make them more concrete. You’ll be much more secure trying to stick to a plan that you have committed to paper versus one that involves vague ideas that are still floating around in your head.
#Talk less and listen more.
Everyone loves talking about themselves, but how often do you meet someone that truly knows how to listen? Listening is one of the most crucial parts of communication, yet most people are pretty bad at it. Developing it as part of your skillset is something that will definitely set you apart from the crowd.
It’s interesting to note that relaxing – by meditating or simply avoiding distractions – is another of the most-often mentioned habits of successful people.
Of course, relaxation comes more easily to those who are organized, so perhaps for some it is more of a natural byproduct than a conscious decision.
#Positive Attitude
According to many successful people, having a positive attitude is not just a result of being successful – it’s one of the root causes of success.
#Taking Action
Third on the list of habits of successful people is the inevitable “action” habit. It is important to organize, to plan and to set priorities, but without action, a plan is nothing more than potential.
Successful people act – quickly and often. In addition, although it may sound counterintuitive, according to James Clear, they act (start, anyway) before they feel ready. While others come up with reasons not to act, successful people take that all-important first step – even if it seems outlandish.
To that end, here are 10 of the most often-cited habits of successful people.
# Write it down.
One of the top secrets for accumulating money is to make a plan and stick to it. It’s easier said than done, but writing down your goals can help to cement them in your mind and make them more concrete. You’ll be much more secure trying to stick to a plan that you have committed to paper versus one that involves vague ideas that are still floating around in your head.
#Talk less and listen more.
Everyone loves talking about themselves, but how often do you meet someone that truly knows how to listen? Listening is one of the most crucial parts of communication, yet most people are pretty bad at it. Developing it as part of your skillset is something that will definitely set you apart from the crowd.
It’s interesting to note that relaxing – by meditating or simply avoiding distractions – is another of the most-often mentioned habits of successful people.
Of course, relaxation comes more easily to those who are organized, so perhaps for some it is more of a natural byproduct than a conscious decision.
#Positive Attitude
According to many successful people, having a positive attitude is not just a result of being successful – it’s one of the root causes of success.
#Taking Action
Third on the list of habits of successful people is the inevitable “action” habit. It is important to organize, to plan and to set priorities, but without action, a plan is nothing more than potential.
Successful people act – quickly and often. In addition, although it may sound counterintuitive, according to James Clear, they act (start, anyway) before they feel ready. While others come up with reasons not to act, successful people take that all-important first step – even if it seems outlandish.
#Read every day
According to Tom Corley’s research that he described in his book Rich Habits: The Daily Success Habits Of Wealthy Individuals, wealthy people choose reading over TV. In fact, 88% of wealthy people read for at least 30 minutes a day. Anything from self-improvement literature to news can help increase your knowledge, which will make you more open-minded and will help you at work.
#Have a source of passive income
Rich people don’t spend all of their money on designer clothes, expensive gadgets, jewelry or cars like a lot of people think. They don’t waste their money, they make their money work for them. An income based on a side business, investments, dividends or on real estate can be a common source of additional money among the rich. Even having money in a high-yield savings account can make you richer without your immediate participation.
Whether through donating to charity or the sharing of ideas, successful people have a habit of giving. They know the value of sharing and most believe their success should result in something more than the accumulation of wealth for themselves.
Some of the most well-known successful philanthropists include Bill and Melinda Gates, Oprah Winfrey and Mark Zuckerberg.
#Never stop learning
The world we live in changes all the time. New products, innovations, and technology appear almost every day. And if you want to stay on top of things and be successful, you need to constantly educate yourself about everything that is going on. Books, lectures, videos, and podcasts can help you stay up-to-date.
#Choose friends wisely
It can be hard, but if you want to be successful, you need to re-evaluate friendships that you have. We take a lot from people close to us, so ask yourself if they are helping you to be your best self or if they’re dragging you down. If your goal is to become wealthy, start making friends with people who can help you with that.