In one hour or less, you can make the cash you need to buy lunch, cover an emergency or save for a rainy day. Easy money typically means things you can do with minimal effort. These 10 options will enable you to grab some green quickly!
Whether it’s an added expense that set you back, or you’re saving up for a special occasion, there are some really great ways that you can make a profit in less than an hour of your time. When you need money now, these are your best options.
#Online Surveys
Enter online surveys: Various websites solicit your participation to complete surveys on a range of subjects in exchange for pay. Some surveys can be completed in less than one hour. You get paid for every survey you complete successfully.
#Earn cash back for your shopping
Sometimes you have to spend money to make money. There are a handful of popular cash back apps that will reward you for buying things that are probably already in your grocery shopping cart.
#Do Tasks
If you live in a high-population area, doing easy tasks for others that don't take more than 1 hour can be an effective way to earn money. You can either market the tasks you do for people solo -- walking dogs, making photocopies, buying groceries -- or join a task service like TaskRabbit or Gigwalk.
#Sell your unwanted gift cards to make money in an hour
If you need the cash fast then try selling your unwanted gift cards to friends and family – and be sure to offer some money off the face value to make it a great deal for them too.
#Sell your gold
Whether it is a broken earring or something a lot more valuable, selling your unwanted gold is a quick way to make money in an hour or less.
#Do some online work
there are numerous websites that will pay you to complete tasks for them. TaskRabbit and UpWork are just two of these sites in which jobs are listed. Some sites will ask you to bid on jobs, others play a flat fee.
#Sell scrap metal
Check the garage or that heap in the backyard for old swing set parts, metal toys, and other bits of metal that you can scrap for cash. While it may not garner you a huge lump sum, scrap metal is definitely a good resource for quick cash. Iron, steel, aluminum, brass, and copper are the most commonly traded types .
#Cash in cans
If you’re not opposed to a little effort, walking around your neighborhood on recycling day could bring in some serious dough. While bottles and cans returned are just a tiny bit of money, it can definitely add up depending on the state you live in.
#List items for sale on Facebook
Local Facebook selling groups are great for shifting items fast. If your post is seen by the right person then you could make a sale within a matter of minutes. Simply photograph your item or items and upload them to local selling groups with a description, being sure to include a price.
#Use your phone
You can actually use your phone to make money. Using a site like Swagbucks can net you some small—but fast—money in almost no time. The site has a list of tasks that need doing—from taking surveys to signing up for newsletters—and each has a price tag attached to it.
#Online Surveys
Enter online surveys: Various websites solicit your participation to complete surveys on a range of subjects in exchange for pay. Some surveys can be completed in less than one hour. You get paid for every survey you complete successfully.
#Earn cash back for your shopping
Sometimes you have to spend money to make money. There are a handful of popular cash back apps that will reward you for buying things that are probably already in your grocery shopping cart.
#Do Tasks
If you live in a high-population area, doing easy tasks for others that don't take more than 1 hour can be an effective way to earn money. You can either market the tasks you do for people solo -- walking dogs, making photocopies, buying groceries -- or join a task service like TaskRabbit or Gigwalk.
#Sell your unwanted gift cards to make money in an hour
If you need the cash fast then try selling your unwanted gift cards to friends and family – and be sure to offer some money off the face value to make it a great deal for them too.
#Sell your gold
Whether it is a broken earring or something a lot more valuable, selling your unwanted gold is a quick way to make money in an hour or less.
#Do some online work
there are numerous websites that will pay you to complete tasks for them. TaskRabbit and UpWork are just two of these sites in which jobs are listed. Some sites will ask you to bid on jobs, others play a flat fee.
#Sell scrap metal
Check the garage or that heap in the backyard for old swing set parts, metal toys, and other bits of metal that you can scrap for cash. While it may not garner you a huge lump sum, scrap metal is definitely a good resource for quick cash. Iron, steel, aluminum, brass, and copper are the most commonly traded types .
#Cash in cans
If you’re not opposed to a little effort, walking around your neighborhood on recycling day could bring in some serious dough. While bottles and cans returned are just a tiny bit of money, it can definitely add up depending on the state you live in.
#List items for sale on Facebook
Local Facebook selling groups are great for shifting items fast. If your post is seen by the right person then you could make a sale within a matter of minutes. Simply photograph your item or items and upload them to local selling groups with a description, being sure to include a price.
#Use your phone
You can actually use your phone to make money. Using a site like Swagbucks can net you some small—but fast—money in almost no time. The site has a list of tasks that need doing—from taking surveys to signing up for newsletters—and each has a price tag attached to it.