Flirting is a bit of an art form, and a lot of it is simply confidence and being willing to strike up a conversation.
Flirting doesn't come easily to everyone. Even the most confident people will freeze up and utter a wimpy "hey" when they see their beloved crush approaching them in the hallways or on the street. But don't worry. If you struggle with flirting, we've got plenty of tips to help you master the art of the flirt and get your crush’s attention in no time.
#1: Choose Your Targets
Practice flirting with random people you see every day - people who might not even be on your dating radar - in order to hone your skills. That way, you'll have some flirting experience under your belt when you approach the people who really matter.
#2: Have an Opening Line
Move towards the person you want to meet (an arm’s length away is a perfect distance) and say something like, “Hi, I’m (insert your name).” Saying hello with energy and enthusiasm is the best opening line. Life is not a dress rehearsal, and you never want to have any regrets or a missed opportunity.
#3: It's All About Eye Contact
If you want to show you're interested in someone, a little eye contact goes a long way. It's a subtle way to make a connection with someone, but be careful not to stare — because that's just creepy.
#4: Compliment the person
The best compliments are the ones that are unique, different, and have the element of surprise. Just make sure that your compliments are honest, sincere, and genuine. And the more specific your compliment, the greater the wow-factor.
#5: Smile
You don't have to go all Bozo the Clown, but the idea is to look like you enjoy talking to them. So, be sure to throw them a smile whenever it makes sense. If they shoot one back, you'll know that they like talking to you, too.
#6: Flirt With Your Body
Body language and flirting go hand-in-hand. Taking notice of subtle cues (like prolonged eye contact or playful arm-touching) can clue you into whether or not someone is ~feeling~ you, too.
#7: Break the touch barrier
When used appropriately, touch can be very effective in flirting. As a general rule, shoulders and higher up on the arm are considered ‘safe’ areas, as we move down the arm towards the hand, touch becomes more intimate. A light tap on the hand might be the perfect flirting tool for you to try. But, best used to intensify some flirting that is already happening, rather than starting off with it.
#8: Keep your interactions short and sweet
Don't let conversations drag on for more than 5 or 10 minutes. The longer they go on, the higher your odds of running into an awkward silence. Let the other person come to you. After you've put in the work of starting up the interaction and sparking an interest, pull back a bit and see if he or she seeks you out for an interaction. This can be a good way to gauge interest, as well as build tension.
#9: Close the deal
If your flirting has been successful so far, and you want to get to know the other person better, it's time to see if you can turn it into a date. Here are a few approaches:
Ask if the other person has plans at a later date. Don't ask someone what he or she is doing tonight, or even tomorrow. Try to schedule the date a few days out so that you don't come off as overly desperate.