Most people who have shared their lives with cats have found out that our feline friends are not crazy about baths. In fact, some of them get downright angry about that tub full of water, and they won't hesitate to claw their way out of the situation. This begs the question: Why do cats hate water?
Most people who have shared their lives with cats have found out that our feline friends are not crazy about baths. In fact, some of them get downright angry about that tub full of water, and they won't hesitate to claw their way out of the situation. This begs the question: Why do cats hate water?
#Fear of the unfamiliar
Cats are all about grooming—around 30 to 50 percent of their day is spent licking and fluffing their coat. So besides their water dish, cats aren’t exposed to larger bodies of water. “Like anything else unfamiliar, the initial reaction may be fear. This fear reaction can be exacerbated if owners have used a squirt gun or spray bottle to dissuade cats from being on surfaces such as furniture or the kitchen counter,” says Jennifer Kasten, DVM, from Tomlyn Veterinary Science. Cats may also turn their nose up at the odors their keen sense of smell detects from the chemicals in tap water.
#Why do cats hate water but play with a running faucet?
How is it that some cats are fascinated by a running faucet or even drink from a running kitchen faucet, yet hate water? “The appeal is likely more about the game of the movement of the water, the noise it makes, and the light reflecting off of it,” says Dr. Cohen. “This stimulates the cat’s strong prey drive.” Other experts think cats evolved and prefer the clean and safe tap water over the stagnant water in nature.
#These cats don’t mind taking a dip
But why do cats hate water except for some breeds such as the Maine coon, Bengal, Abyssinian or Turkish Van? Because these cat breeds have a different texture to their hair that makes them more resistant to water, so they don’t experience the discomfort and actually enjoy the water and even known to enjoy swimming Dr. Cohen says. See these cutest, waterproof cat breeds as kittens.
#The water’s fine, feline
If you have a kitten or older cat, it’s not too late to help them feel more comfortable around water. It may come in handy if you have to bathe sick or older cats with arthritis who can’t groom themselves properly. (You don’t generally have to bathe a kitten, in fact, it’s one of the 13 things you do that your cat actually hates.) “For kittens, the most impressionable time of life is between 3 to 16 weeks of life. That is the ideal time for a pet parent to expose their kitten to water using treats or toys as positive reinforcement. Older cats can also be conditioned to tolerate or enjoy the water, but it may be a bit slower process,” says Dr. Kasten.