7 bad habits every day

Like it or not, bad habits are bad for you — mentally, physically, emotionally and even socially in some cases. While some bad habits are harder to quit than others, it doesn’t change the fact that you need to get rid of them. Here are 7 bad habits to quit right away.

Like it or not, bad habits are bad for you — mentally, physically, emotionally and even socially in some cases. While some bad habits are harder to quit than others, it doesn’t change the fact that you need to get rid of them. Here are 7 bad habits to quit right away.

#Looking down at your phone for hours
Phones are the most popular devices, and the way we hold them directly influences our health. Holding it down, near your chest for a long time with the neck bent develops something called “text neck.” This position is not relaxing for your neck at all, and can cause a stiff neck, pain, muscular weakness, and headaches.

#Not using cold water at the end of your shower session
Even if a cold shower doesn’t seem pleasant to you, this procedure has a lot of health benefits. Alternating hot and cold water will help you to improve your blood circulation, lymphatic flow, strengthen your immune system, improve your skin condition, and even release stress and stimulate weight loss. Just 10-30 seconds are worth the effort for the amazing results they provide!

#Nail Biting
Not only is nail biting unhygienic, it is also socially repelling, leads to dental problems like malocclusion of the anterior teeth, potentially cause stomach problems, and lead to severely deformed fingernails in the long run.
People who bite their nails tend to have shorter nails than the average person; their nail plates also experience scarring and may eventually become absent.

#Watching Too Much TV
I stopped watching TV since eight years ago and I have never regretted it. Every once in a while I will switch on the telly to see what is on, and then I will switch it off because it’s just the same boring shtick over and over again.
Watching TV, particularly well-written dramas, can be a good way to unwind. However, remember that TV isn’t your life.
Spending three hours every night watching TV will not change your life for the better. Rather, using that time to reflect on your life, take stock, and take action on your goals will.

#Defrosting at room temperature or under hot water
When you’re in a hurry, you might just take a package of frozen meat from the freezer and put it under hot water, so it thaws out fast. This method is not safe, just like letting the meat defrost at room temperature all day while you are at work. As soon as the meat becomes warmer than 40°F (10°C), all the bacteria that was in there before freezing, starts to multiply.

#Holding in a sneeze
Holding your nose while sneezing can be very dangerous. This can create problems like having air trapped in your chest between both lungs, breaking your ear drum, or ballooning the blood vessels in your brain. Sneezing is the natural way for our nose to “reset” and remove bacteria and dust, it’s better to not interrupt this process.

#Using headphones to listen to loud music.
The best thing about headphones is the privacy they give us. Though, we have to keep in mind that using them should be done without any harm to our health. Sometimes a favorite song is so good that people turn the volume up to harmful levels. Listening to loud blasting beats can lead to hearing damage and even hearing loss.

GAGS.BUZZ: 7 bad habits every day
7 bad habits every day
Like it or not, bad habits are bad for you — mentally, physically, emotionally and even socially in some cases. While some bad habits are harder to quit than others, it doesn’t change the fact that you need to get rid of them. Here are 7 bad habits to quit right away.
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