While there are a lot of males who feel that less hair might equal less confidence, that’s not always the case. There’s a new study that proves that bald men are indeed more confident, intelligent and dominant than their full set of hair counterparts.
While there are a lot of males who feel that less hair might equal less confidence, that’s not always the case. There’s a new study that proves that bald men are indeed more confident, intelligent and dominant than their full set of hair counterparts.
During the research, Dr. Frank Muscarella asked the focus group to rate male participants in accordance with 4 criteria: attractiveness, aggressiveness, appeasement, and maturity. Some people were shown the photos of men who had a head full of hair and the other part of the group saw the pictures of the same men but with their hair completely digitally removed. The results turned out to be quite unexpected: bald men were rated as more honest, intelligent, and masculine.
But bald men are not just perceived as strong and sexy, they are seen as smart too. Researchers from the University of Saarland analyzed data based on the opinion poll of 20,000 people. The results showed that bald men are more often perceived as older, but people see them as wiser and more intelligent.
Bald guys are perceived to be more socially dominant.
A study conducted by Professor Dr. Frank Muscarella from Barry University showed that bald men are perceived as being more socially dominant in comparison with other men. The researchers found out that although people see men with hair as more physically attractive, bald men are more likely to be perceived as the ones with a higher social status: people claimed that they see them as more dominant and superior, but didn’t feel any threat in comparison to men with hair.During the research, Dr. Frank Muscarella asked the focus group to rate male participants in accordance with 4 criteria: attractiveness, aggressiveness, appeasement, and maturity. Some people were shown the photos of men who had a head full of hair and the other part of the group saw the pictures of the same men but with their hair completely digitally removed. The results turned out to be quite unexpected: bald men were rated as more honest, intelligent, and masculine.
Several studies have proven that these results are correct.
The findings of Dr. Frank Muscarella were backed up by research from the University of Pennsylvania. Psychologist Albert E. Mannes proved that people tend to see bald men as stronger, more dominant, and successful.But bald men are not just perceived as strong and sexy, they are seen as smart too. Researchers from the University of Saarland analyzed data based on the opinion poll of 20,000 people. The results showed that bald men are more often perceived as older, but people see them as wiser and more intelligent.