Don’t have the funds to go on a splashy vacation this summer? No problem! Plan a staycation instead. This low-budget option may seem like a cop out, but when done right, can actually be just as restorative and fun as your run-of-the-mill vacation.
Don’t have the funds to go on a splashy vacation this summer? No problem! Plan a staycation instead. This low-budget option may seem like a cop out, but when done right, can actually be just as restorative and fun as your run-of-the-mill vacation.
To help you get started, we’ve laid out some of our favorite tips and tricks for planning the perfect holiday from the comfort of your own home.
You need to plan
As with most things in life, you’ll need to make sure you come up with a good plan to make the most of your time. You’ll want to avoid distractions like work and cleaning, so you need to take care of those things before you begin your staycation. Make sure all the loose ends are tied up at work to allow you to spend some quality time with your family in your home.
Get the house cleaned
This might seem a little strange but remember, you’re saving yourself lot of money from not going away anywhere so spend a little of that in making your house look nice, you’re going to be spending the next week or so there. Now all your dishes will be clean, the laundry will be done, and the rooms will be smelling fresh and inviting, making you want to spend more time there.
Buy a souvenir
You should buy yourself something to remember your staycation, much like you would when going abroad. It can be something functional like a coffee mug, to ensure you remember your time spent with your loved ones. You can drink your coffee from them each day to really make them seem special and something to remember the time by. Have you had your eye on a new coffee mug for some time? This is the perfect opportunity to buy it.
Indulge yourselves
You and your family will be spending plenty of time at home, that means you’ll have time to do all the things you wish you could do but things like work get in the way of. Plan a few special meals that involve a lot of time in the kitchen then head to the grocery store and buy yourself some quality ingredients. You’ll finally be able to make that recipe you’ve been keen on trying from your cookbook.
Go local
If you don’t want to spend all of your time in your home then why not go and investigate all that your town has to offer? You can enjoy all of the hotspots your town has to offer now you have the time to explore. Many of us can be wrapped up in our lives and forget to enjoy the things that are right on our doorsteps. Maybe there’s a new art gallery that’s opened, and you haven’t managed to check it out yet, your staycation is the perfect opportunity to enjoy your local environment.
To help you get started, we’ve laid out some of our favorite tips and tricks for planning the perfect holiday from the comfort of your own home.
You need to plan
As with most things in life, you’ll need to make sure you come up with a good plan to make the most of your time. You’ll want to avoid distractions like work and cleaning, so you need to take care of those things before you begin your staycation. Make sure all the loose ends are tied up at work to allow you to spend some quality time with your family in your home.
Get the house cleaned
This might seem a little strange but remember, you’re saving yourself lot of money from not going away anywhere so spend a little of that in making your house look nice, you’re going to be spending the next week or so there. Now all your dishes will be clean, the laundry will be done, and the rooms will be smelling fresh and inviting, making you want to spend more time there.
Buy a souvenir
You should buy yourself something to remember your staycation, much like you would when going abroad. It can be something functional like a coffee mug, to ensure you remember your time spent with your loved ones. You can drink your coffee from them each day to really make them seem special and something to remember the time by. Have you had your eye on a new coffee mug for some time? This is the perfect opportunity to buy it.
Indulge yourselves
You and your family will be spending plenty of time at home, that means you’ll have time to do all the things you wish you could do but things like work get in the way of. Plan a few special meals that involve a lot of time in the kitchen then head to the grocery store and buy yourself some quality ingredients. You’ll finally be able to make that recipe you’ve been keen on trying from your cookbook.
Go local
If you don’t want to spend all of your time in your home then why not go and investigate all that your town has to offer? You can enjoy all of the hotspots your town has to offer now you have the time to explore. Many of us can be wrapped up in our lives and forget to enjoy the things that are right on our doorsteps. Maybe there’s a new art gallery that’s opened, and you haven’t managed to check it out yet, your staycation is the perfect opportunity to enjoy your local environment.