Do you eat lunch with your work colleagues? Do you chow down on dinner with your family? You’ve probably noticed that we’ve all got our own unique style when it comes to eating our food. Some people hate to share, some people pretty much inhale their food, and others take their time, cutting everything into bite-sized portions.
Eating is instinctive. So, it may not surprise you to learn that the way you eat can reveal numerous tasty little morsels about your personality.
The Slow Eater
Slow Eaters are people who love to live and indulge themselves in the present moment and enjoy life. They enjoy their food and love eating and also can be stubborn.
The Fast Eater
People who tend to gobble their food can be excellent multitaskers. For them time is money and they also tend to be selfless. They place others before themselves in almost all situations and are very good at handling tasks.
The Adaptable Eater
The adaptable one is the most versatile of all. They can eat fast, slow depending on the situation. These kinds of people love to please others and engage in a conversation whilst eating. They are similar to the fast eaters and are adjustable and tend to put others before themselves. Fast Eaters can also be Adaptable ones.
adventurous about trying new foods
If you are someone who likes sampling out new cuisines, you’re someone who loves adventures. In a relationship, your partner never complains about you being boring. At work, you never shy away from giving quirky ideas. Interestingly, your adventurous personality makes people want to be friends with you.
One-thing-at-a-time eaters
If you like to eat only one thing at a time, then you are a pretty methodical thinker. You may be a perfectionist, which means your organization is highly appreciated by your friends and co-workers. However, relationships may suffer because of your rigid thinking. Be open to suggestion.
If you're into mixing foods together
A mixer usually combines all the food on their plate and takes a bite that includes a little bit of everything. These people are usually outgoing and friendly and they like taking on multiple responsibilities at their workplace. They love their job, but they know how to make time for their loved ones, and they usually create healthy relationships. However, sometimes their over-eagerness to multitask can exhaust them and make them lose track of deadlines, and their minds, over the extra amount of work.
The Spicy Eater
Spicy eaters are thrill seekers. They love adventure and they will always be there for you. These spice maniacs always want some daring feat to accomplish in life and love to live life off the edge. Just like your spice friend’s quench of taste of a chilly, they love traveling and exploring and are pragmatic.
If you enjoy eating bitter food
People who love eating bitter food are those whose first impression about someone are usually negative. Though it evens out eventually, they are reluctant in making new friends. Nonetheless, these people are also the first ones to anticipate something bad.
If you prefer salty food
Salt lovers are outspoken people. If you love salt, then you are fearless, and the world had better brace itself because you are not afraid to speak up! You have some marvelous thoughts and ideas to share.