These tips will help you save time and money while being safe while exploring new horizons. In general, these tips will help you avoid any unpleasant surprises and make the most of your holidays.
Dishonest people always try to take advantage of tourists and if you are not careful, you could become one of their victims faster than you think. These tips will help you save time and money while being safe while exploring new horizons. In general, these tips will help you avoid any unpleasant surprises and make the most of your holidays.
Choose the best time of the year
School holidays are the only time of the year when parents can leave for a few days. If you do not have schoolchildren, you can travel during the school year and the places will not be so overcrowded. Sometimes traveling off season is a great idea to make the most of your free days.
Never forget that things advertised "free" are rarely
You've probably already met street artists and some of them have really been spectacular. But be careful when they suggest you take pictures with them because they might ask you for money in exchange for their services.
"Friendship bracelets" are also part of this category. The thugs tell you, "It's free, attach it to your wrist" and once you've done it, they'll ask you for money. Often, these people move in groups and one of them tries to take your hand insistently. A technique that is scary and uncomfortable to the point of not being able to say "No". You just have to refuse and let them intimidate you.
Keep money in case of emergency
Having a secret hiding place to store money or credit cards can be very convenient, because you may need it the moment you least expect it.
Pay attention to proposed motorcycles and scooters because they could be stolen or damaged
During your holidays, renting a motorcycle, scooter or scooter can be very practical and most rentals are offered in places deemed reliable. However, there are malicious people who could give you a motorcycle or scooter failed and demand that you pay for the repair or that "steal" what they rented you and force you to refund the price. To avoid such problems, choose a safe place to leave the bike or bike and use your own padlock, because the scammer could have the second set of keys from the one he gives you.
Be vigilant with jet skis
Jet skis, paddle boats or surfboards are also the target of this kind of practice because they are very popular during the holidays. But when you return the object, the owner can show you scratches and cracks, and insist that it is you who damaged the object and you have to pay the repairs. Take pictures of all signs of wear on the device before using it to avoid such inconvenience.
Focus on early morning flights
Most thunderstorms occur in the afternoon or evening. As a result, morning flights are less prone to turbulence.
Get up early
Wake up early. By following this advice, you will avoid the crowd. In addition, the morning is the best time to take pictures and professionals call it "golden hour".
Inquire about your holiday location
Do some research to find out what you should not do in the place you are going to visit. Some traditions are very different from our habits and you can do something inappropriate or insulting without realizing it.
For example, the sign "OK", where the thumb touches the index, is not a problem in many countries, but it is very offensive in Turkey. It is best not to do this if you go there, otherwise you may have serious problems.