Do you remember your dreams? Even if you don’t remember where you went or what you did in dreamland when you wake up, that doesn’t mean that you don’t go there at all. Well, here are a few tips to take note of.
Do you remember your dreams? Even if you don’t remember where you went or what you did in dreamland when you wake up, that doesn’t mean that you don’t go there at all. Well, here are a few tips to take note of.
You must, before falling asleep, send a strong order to your unconscious to restore the memory of one or more dreams. This decision often imposes its law.
#Rate the dream
If you remember your dreams when you open your eyes but forget them almost immediately, make a habit of noting them. It is necessary to have a flashlight, a notebook of dreams and a pen. Upon waking, the flashlight is softer, and if you do not sleep alone (e) you will disturb less your companion / companion.
#The flashback
If the previous method is not enough, you can flash, or go back. There are two kinds of flashbacks.
1- The most complete flashback consists, every night before falling asleep, to visualize everything that has happened in the day antechronologically: at bedtime, during the evening, at the time of the evening meal, etc. . until morning. When you wake up, your mind will connect with what happened during sleep. This practice is linked to introspection. You revisit your behavior and thoughts of the day.
2- The easiest flashback is, every night before going to sleep, to count down: 50-49-48 ... until 0. In the morning, your mind will connect to what has happened passed just before the awakening, that is, the dream.
#The method of breathing and visualization coming from yoga
It was taught to me by the poet, philosopher and metaphysician François Brousse. To practice when waking up.
1- Suction: during inspiration (air enters through both nostrils) visualize a transparent white ray penetrating into your body through the coccyx - for 12 seconds.
2- Full retention: swollen lungs, imagine that the fluid rises along the spine to the nape of the neck to fill the Manas chakra (subtle energy center of the dream) - 12 seconds.
3- Expiration: while you reject the air through the nostrils, the white ray comes out of the neck - 12 seconds.
Imagine that the dream comes out. Very often the images of the night spring spontaneously.
To repeat 10 times in a row every morning. If the ternary rhythm 12 - 12 - 12 seconds is too difficult to perform, do 3-3-3 seconds and increase little by little from week to week or from month to month until you get 12-12-12 seconds .
This method brings out the dream in the morning, but if it is repeated daily, it gradually develops the memory of dreams.