Most of us certainly do love our cats unconditionally but sometimes they do things that even we are mystified by. It greatly helps to know exactly all the ways by which your kitty tells you he loves you
Most of us certainly do love our cats unconditionally but sometimes they do things that even we are mystified by. It greatly helps to know exactly all the ways by which your kitty tells you he loves you – even though their methods, to us, may seem as strange as could be!
#Purring: When cats are deeply relaxed and content they tend to purr to self soothe. But when a cat rubs against you and purrs it is synonymous with saying “I love you.”
#Biting: You find yourself relaxing on the sofa with your kitty. You begin to pet it and it unexpectedly bites your hand. Does this ever occur to you? Don’t be concerned. Snacking or “biting out of love” is simply a little unusual way of your kitty expressing love.
#Showing the Belly: A cat showing their belly indicates that they are relaxed and comfortable. If your cat invites you to rub their belly, it is a pure sign of care and affection. That being said, if you know your cat doesn’t like having their belly rubbed, then just appreciate their complete comfort from afar and understand their relaxed state as a form of love.
#He shows off his butt to you: Your lovely fur-ball might show you love by putting his furry little behind in your face. This behavior can be characterized as “a back-handed feline compliment.” When cats greet each other for the first time, they do so by sniffing each other in the faces and neck. This continues to each other’s sides and finally their hindquarters, beneath a raised tail. While your cat might not actually want you to sniff his butt, but his showing you is body means he trusts you.
#Purring: When cats are deeply relaxed and content they tend to purr to self soothe. But when a cat rubs against you and purrs it is synonymous with saying “I love you.”
#Biting: You find yourself relaxing on the sofa with your kitty. You begin to pet it and it unexpectedly bites your hand. Does this ever occur to you? Don’t be concerned. Snacking or “biting out of love” is simply a little unusual way of your kitty expressing love.
#Showing the Belly: A cat showing their belly indicates that they are relaxed and comfortable. If your cat invites you to rub their belly, it is a pure sign of care and affection. That being said, if you know your cat doesn’t like having their belly rubbed, then just appreciate their complete comfort from afar and understand their relaxed state as a form of love.
#He shows off his butt to you: Your lovely fur-ball might show you love by putting his furry little behind in your face. This behavior can be characterized as “a back-handed feline compliment.” When cats greet each other for the first time, they do so by sniffing each other in the faces and neck. This continues to each other’s sides and finally their hindquarters, beneath a raised tail. While your cat might not actually want you to sniff his butt, but his showing you is body means he trusts you.
#The licks: Cats occasionally together “wash themselves”. However they exclusively do that with those cats that they love. By licking “a favorite human” cats leave a scent and label you as part of the family.
#Paw massages: Every time a cat is stomping specific areas of your body just like it “kneads” you, it thereby assures its greatest sympathy and affection. This habit is, in fact, natural from the earliest time when kitties paws promote the secretion of milk of their mama. Older cats carry on with similar behavior when they feel most peaceful, happy and loved.
#Staring: Do you occasionally have the sensation that somebody is watching you? You turn around and notice your cat spying on you with eyes wide open. Even though it might appear intimidating, in reality, you have a unique privilege. Cats make eye contact just with people they trust. And when the kitty blinks, it is actually sending you a kiss. So blink back in return!
#Love Bites: These can leave a mark and may hurt, but it is an obvious sign of love from a cat. If a cat bites you it’s a sign that that are being playful but also that they are comfortable with you. Any sign of your cat being comfortable while being playful is a true testament to their affection for their pet parent.
#Cuddling On Top Of Your Computer: Precisely when you find yourself composing an important email your kitty abruptly jumps on the desk and determines to walk on the keyboard. Additionally, the cat usually decides that the laptop is the perfect spot for an afternoon sleep. Cats like to be the center of attention, so this really is one more way of saying: “Hey, look at me! I’m important!”
#Scratching furniture: It totally irritates us whenever a cat is looking directly into our eyes as it claws the couch, but it surely is a normal attitude through which a cat demonstrates love. This also leaves a visible track of their “ownership” on your preferred chair.